Thursday, January 29, 2009

Brady is here!

What can we say??? We are now the proud parents of a perfect baby boy! He was born January 29th, weighing 7lbs 14 oz, 21 in. in length. 7-14-21,, easy enough to remember! :-) This entry is not going to be a long one, as it has been a long day, however, we wanted to get some pictures up. Enjoy!!! We are!! Thanks to all who have prayed for this day to come, and for those who have prayed today for us! We love you all and are so thankful to have you in our lives!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

A lot to blog!!!!

Philly, PA

First off, going all the way back to November 23rd. This is the day that my awesome husband ran his fist marathon, 26.2 miles! It was in Philadelphia, PA, and from what he says, it was COLD! The temperature started out at 22 degrees, and didn't get much warmer. He and his friend Brian have been training for this run for months, they ran it in 3 hours & 59 mins! I am so proud of him and all that he accomplished in this race! I am not by any means a runner, so the fact that he is, is something that I admire greatly about him! Love you baby! (sadly I can't get the pics of him running to upload)
Christmas 2008

Our Christmas was spent here in Lynchburg. It was just the two of us this year, as I at 35 weeks was unable to travel:-( Christmas morning was good even though we really missed being with family. We slept in, and took our time opening presents, below are some pics of our Christmas Day goodies:-)

Bryan's goodies,, 2 seasons of Scrubs, boxers, candy, handmade blanket from his mom, and a watch.

Up close picture of the watch I got Bryan,, he of course looks handsome wearing it!
If you notice on both Bryan and I have 2 cards that we get each year. Each year we buy 2 cards for each other, one card is for the other to open up the current Christmas Day, and the other card is not to be opened until the next year. So, just to clarify, this year we opened cards from each other that we wrote to each other last year, and a card we wrote to each other this year,,, make sense??? It is fun to open both cards, but especially the card that you write the year before, it's interesting to see what you wrote, and what has happened in the year.My goodies,, the Narnia movies(I love the books!) candy, blanket from Bryan's mom, an electric knife from Bryan's parents,, and Bryan got me the Ipod Nano,, I had really wanted this for a long time! I didn't even ask for it, and he still got it for me. In case anyone is wondering, he spoils me beyond reason!This is a book that my Nanny & Papa bought us, so far it has been a really good read! Answering a lot of questions!!! Which is nice seeing as how we are so close now to being a family of 3!
Bryan giving Mercy some Christmas Day lovin'! :-)
That was our morning. Later that afternoon we left to go see a movie, ended up getting rear-ended, then ended up going to the hospital to get checked out. We are fine, we didn't go by ambulance or anything, just drove ourselves. When we were hit it felt like such a hard hit, and we both expected the back of our car to be smushed, but, thankfully, it is ok. The man who hit us, hit our hitch, which is what made it feel like such a hard hit. When we got to the hospital, they hooked me up to start monitoring the baby, making sure everything was ok. Come to find out that I was actually contracting, which I didn't even realize, so we spent the next 6 hours there, trying to get the contractions to stop. The Dr. said that b/c I was so far along there was no way to tell if I was contracting on my own, or b/c of the impact of the accident, so they had to stop them.... I somewhat wished we could have just "gone with it", but that is b/c I am SO ready to have him out! :-) But, of course I want him to be healthy and full term as well... so it's ok!
This was so not the highlight of our Christmas Day, obviously, but we are thankful that we all are alright, it could have been worse! The "funny" thing is that on both Thanksgiving and Christmas we were in the hospital, so for New Year's we decided to barricade ourselves in the house and not go anywhere! (For those who don't know, Saturday after Thanksgiving we ended up in the hospital b/c I had Kidney Stones, which is excruciatingly painful! Anyone who has ever had these, I feel your pain! We were in the hospital from Saturday night to Monday morning. Bryan never left my side! He is AWESOME!)

Belly Pics!! Week 35 & 36

I'm sure these are what you are all waiting for! I have been feeling good for the most part. I find it hard, and uncomfortable to sleep, and my feet make me look like I am related to the Michelin man! LOL! Bryan does a great job at rubbing them for me though! Sadly, I also had to take off my wedding ring :-( My clothes selection is for sure becoming limited; and I just kinda guess at where to put my blush, as my cheek bones have disappeared! LOL! All of it is worth it though! We just can't believe that we are going to be parents this month!(hopefully this month!)

Sorry I do not do better at posting the belly pics! I'll try harder! :-) Enjoy!

35 weeks

35 weeks

36 weeks

36 weeks