Monday, March 30, 2009

32, 26 & 2 months

Both of our birthdays are in March, mine the 24th, and his was on the 29th.
Brady's 2 month mark was also on the 29th:-) He had his first round of shots on March 31st, and was a little trooper.. only one cry out, and it was over. I was very nervous about this, I was afraid that I might cry as well, but he was a big boy, and his Momma was a "big girl" :-) He is getting so big!! He is now 23 inches long, and a little over 12 pounds!!! We went out to eat and the waiter asked if he was 3 or 4 months old, and we had to tell him he was only 2 months! He looks like such a little man! Not to mention that his poor hair is falling out, so it looks like he has a receding hairline!! LOL He is still adorable..Here is a quick "brag" story,, a few girlfriends and I were eating at Panera, and this guy in a suit walked over to our table, and said, "Excuse me, I really don't like babies" ( so I'm thinking , ok,, Brady is not crying or annoying anyone, what's your problem??) so, he says, "I really don't like babies, I mean I REALLY don't likes babies, but he is the cutest baby I have ever seen!" I of course became the proudest Mom ever!!! He is really cute! I promise!!!

Bryan is 32 this year, and I am 26,, I like to rub that in to Bryan, though he does not find it as amusing as I do! However, I am very thankful for the 29th of March, the day my wonderful husband was born. He is absolutely wonderful! He loves me more than anything and spoils me to death. And now that we have a son, his love just continues to flow over to him! I love watching him with Brady, he is such a great dad! By the way, he is getting ready to run another marathon, this one is the Pittsburgh Marathon, the weekend of May 2nd, it is 26 miles! He is so dedicated to this and has really been enjoying the challenge of the run. Not to mention that it is making him look even more super-sexy than before!! Wink, wink ;-) ;-) I am so proud of him! This summer he is going to start his Masters in Business at Liberty University, and is very excited about this. It is something he has been wanting to do for a while now, and he is even considering going on and getting his Doctorate! I know I mentioned my husband was super-sexy, but did I also mention he was super-smart as well?? I'm telling you, I got the whole package!!!:-)

On Bryan's birthday, we found out that Dad Calhoun was going to be in Raleigh, NC.. about a 2 hour drive from Lynchburg,,, so we contacted him and worked it out so we could meet him for dinner in between his meetings,, it was a sweet visit, and he was thrilled to meet Brady!
Sadly, this is the first picture of all three of us together!!! He is 2 months already, and this is the first one!!! :-)
Ok, here are some more Brady pictures, enjoy!!!

He rolled over for the first time this month,, here are some still shots below,,, every time we get out the video recorder, he won't do it,, go figure!

Brady & I on my first birthday as a Mom:-)Sleeping next to Daddy...Sleeping on top of Daddy,, (Daddy is sleeping as well!)

This is our dining room, we just painted it:-) I still need a center piece for the table though,, trying to find a good one!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A lot to cover!!

A lot has happend since I last blogged!!!First off, we have moved to a new house! A little advice, if you can avoid moving right after having a baby,, DO IT!!!! It was very hectic, but very worth it! We love our new home and are just happy to be out of the town home! Bryan's mom and dad were here, they were a huge help as well!!! I will blog pics of the whole house when it is all put together, I do have Brady's room done, and it is too cute! (if I do say so myself!) FYI, the day we moved the furniture was the ONE day out of the whole time we lived here that it snowed, and snowed and snowed!!!

Brady had his one month check up,, he weighed 7lbs, 14oz when he was born, and at his check up he weighed 10lbs, 2oz!!! He is a little piggy!!! A cute piggy though!!!
Enjoy the pics, there is a ton!!!

So the snow begins to fall,,,,

Bath time with Grandma Corley

Hanging out, playing my first game of Rook!

Sleepy, sleep time on Dad:-)

Belly kisses from Daddy,,,



He loves his jungle gym:-)

Tummy time

It was all too much for him!!! He's out!

Headed for a walk along the river downtown...

Bryan painting Brady's room,, it's a real light green color

Thank you Teddy & Linda for the sign,, we love it!!

Brady's cousin Cheyanne got this monkey for him:-) Thanks sweetie!!!

This is the first item that we purchased for Brady, before we even knew he was a boy!

I don't know why this picture won't rotate,, but his smile is toooooo cute not to post!!!