Wednesday, April 15, 2009


This Easter has been so special to us! To be able to enjoy this time with Brady, even though he has no idea what day it is, is so sweet. We can't wait until the day that he realizes why this day is so special,, that our Savior died for us, was buried, and arose from the dead so that we might have eternal life with Him! I must say, I have tears in my eyes as I write this because now that I have had my son, it makes me truly appreciate what God has done for me by sending His Son to die for me and mine. I cannot imagine bringing Brady into this world, only to know that I would have to sacrifice him for the rest of the world. What amazing love God has for us!!!! I hope everyone had a fun Easter! He has risen!!!

Brady & his turtle basket:-)

Sweet boy smiles:-)

And here is his favorite pose,, fists in his mouth!

Brady vs. the Turtle stare down...

.. and the turtle wins!

Airplane time with Daddy

Such concentration!

See how long I am???

Don't you just LOVE my cheeks???

"Ok mom,, that's enough picutres!!"

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