Thursday, November 27, 2008

31 Weeks down, 9 more to go!!!

It's crazy to think that on Monday we will be able to say, "we are having a baby next month"! Time has definitely flown by! I'm feeling really good, and haven't really been too tired. No weird cravings either. (I get asked that all the time!)
We have decided to name him Michael Brady Corley, calling him Brady. For those who don't know, Bryan's name is Michael Bryan, so we thought it would be cool for them to share the same first name, and same initials.
Brady is VERY active, always moving, flipping, kicking... apparently in my stomach is a pretty fun place to be! He seems to really enjoy it! :-) It's really neat that Bryan can see and feel the movements now. Not that he could not earlier than now, but now there is no mistaking it.
Well here is our 31 week picture( I won't be technically 32 until tomorrow). Enjoy!!


Stephanie said...

LOVE THE NAME BRADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Summer said...

You look so beautiful!! I can't wait for little Brady to get here!! Love you guys lots! Have a great week!!