Sunday, September 14, 2008

20 weeks down, 20 more to go!!!

We can't beleive that it has already been 20 weeks! That we are already 5 months prego! Things are going great! I'm feeling good, no more barfing!! Wahoo!! I feel it move all the time, it seems to be somewhat of a night owl, which is so not me,, I love my sleep! (better enjoy it while I can!!) Bryan has also been able to feel it move around, so that is pretty cool.

We find out the sex of the baby a week from tomorrow, the 22nd,,, we are super, super excited for this, and are just praying that the baby is "showing it's stuff" for the ultrasound! I think it is a boy, and have felt that way pretty much the whole pregnancy, so it will be interesting to see what it is. Bryan doesn't have a guess, he just wants a healthy baby, as do I :-)

So stay tuned to find out next week what our baby is! Hope the pic is what everyone was hoping it would be,, I don't think there is a huge difference from the one before,, but that may just be b/c I see it every day. :-)

20 weeks

14 weeks


Barnhouse Family said...

Are you sure there's a baby in there?! You're so tiny! And yes, enjoy your sleep now! Hopefully you'll get a good baby like Elijah because he's been sleeping through the night since 8 weeks!

Karalea said...

Cute! I can definitely see a difference. Don't worry, it will get really big in about 10 more weeks...Can't wait to see what "it" is!

Stephanie said...

Come on, be a little boy!!!!